A bit of puppy socializing!

photo (10)Today we decided to take Bella out for a little socializing. What better place than Petco?! She loved it! She seemed a little afraid at first but she braved up quickly and had a blast! She got tons of love from other humans which she gladly rolled over for tummy rubs and gave tons of pitty kisses ❤ She got to meet one other dog who seemed very timid at first but as soon as they got the sniffing out of the way, Bella was ready to play. The other dog had to go with her owner to finish running errands though. Poor Bella looked a bit devastated. 😦 Before we left, we ran into another Pit bull lover, which was very nice 🙂 We exchanged rescue stories and how our hearts have been forever changed by this sweet breed.  Overall it was a pretty nice outing for her. Next time, we go to our local dog park!

FYI….we no longer have our FB page for Bella but we have started an Instagram account, if you are interested in following 🙂  Search BellaBaby_pitbulladvocacy to follow our sweet and adorable pup!

Merry Christmas to all!

photo (5)Today is Christmas Eve and we have got to get a lot done before our family celebration this evening but I wanted to take  moment and wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Hopefully everyone gets some good family time and holiday cheer over the next several days. ❤

This picture was nearly impossible to catch because Bella was not in a mood for dressing up and holding still. Kaitlyn thought the hot pink sleeping bag would make a good back drop but you can see that didn’t go so well lol.  The only thing that kept her looking at me was a treat in my hand but doesn’t she look glamorous? No worries, the tinsel came off immediately after the picture was taken or she would have tried to eat it 🙂

Merry Christmas to all!

This Morning…..All is Right and Peaceful.

snowThis morning, I was awakened early by Max, as usual, but I didn’t feel too tired. I felt somewhat rested. Aaron woke up shortly after. Then Ethan came in and said he would walk Bella (after a bit of coaxing because it is COLD).  I looked out the window and to my surprise, I saw snow flurries! Now if you know anything about me, you know I LOVE SNOW! I love to watch if fall and I love to see it cover the ground in its beauty. Now, it’s just flurries and won’t really amount to anything. Certainly nothing like the image in the pic above but it sure is peaceful and beautiful to watch!

The girls were the last to wake up as usual and by then I was serving some breakfast. After breakfast was served, all the kids got busy doing “their thing”. Coloring, looking at news paper adds, watching cartoons, pretending and looking at books. I decided I would enjoy a cup of coffee and get on the computer for some web surfing. Bella was falling asleep on the top of the steps, just waiting for a kitty to come entertain and play with her so I scooped her up to sit on my lap. She fell asleep there, snoring away, looking as adorable as ever. The kids are all getting along and staying peaceful, the snow is falling, the puppy is snoring on my lap and I am enjoying a cup of coffee without getting up 500 times for the kids and having to rewarm it over and over again. For this moment, all is right and peaceful in our house and I will savor this while it lasts 🙂

Puppy Cuteness!

Photo: Omg look at those ears again

I know, I know enough already with the puppy stuff but I just can’t help myself! She is too stinking cute and it’s a good thing she is too! She is serious work but well worth it. House training is getting better and hopefully her UTI is getting knocked out with the antibiotics. She is chewy and wild at times but also such a cuddle bug other times. She went from being scared to walk on a leash to “chill out Bella” mode but still gets scared when other dogs are around or she hears strange noises, In this pic her ears look like bat ears. She was terrified of the birds flying overhead in our back yard this morning, lol. We love her and are so happy we got her!

Again, if you are interested in following and supporting our Bella Love page on FB here is the link. https://www.facebook.com/BellaBabypitty We will be posting about her as well as advocating for pit bulls 🙂 Feel free to share our page if you want!

Thanks for reading!

Raising Awareness for Pits!

pit with cat on head

I am so proud of Ethan. Last night he asked why people are scared of pit bulls and why they think they are naturally mean and aggressive dogs. We talked about the bad reputation they have been given and why…about how yes, there are mean pits as well as plenty of other mean dogs but because it is how they are treated and raised. I told him that I myself use to be afraid of them as well  because I had never met any as a child and always had heard to stay away from them.  We talked about how it took me meeting several different pits as a grown up, as well as educating myself about them to learn the truth. He said to me “Every Pit bull I have met has always been sweet to me. Their owners must be good dog owners and not ones who raise them to be mean. I wish more people knew that they are good dogs when given the chance.”. So….we decided that we would spread awareness about this breed by making a Facebook page about our pitty Bella and the Pit Bull breed in general 🙂 We will be posting about her cuteness of course as well as other wonderful pits and relevant facts and information about the breed.  If are interested in checking out our page or want to show your support and get updates about our mission, please visit the web address in this link below 🙂


pits art