It Finally Snowed!

So it snowed last night and the kids are super excited as expected. It started yesterday afternoon and as soon as we could see it sticking, the kids were ready to go out and play. Bella seems to love it too, strangely enough. I don’t see how a pup who is so sensitive to cold temperatures, actually enjoys playing in cold, wet snow.

I love how something so exciting and rare brings the kids together. Before it snowed, they all had a bit of cabin fever because it has been cold and windy the last several days here. They have been bickering amongst each other but as soon as that snow began to fall and they got outside, magically they were all best friends again. They even managed to play tag with snow balls without hurting and upsetting each other…..a big surprise here, lol.

They woke this morning, way too early , as if it were Christmas morning because they couldn’t wait to get back outside and play in this frigid, cold weather, which is beyond me. They came in our room at 6:30, ready to get dressed and go outside. I suggested we have breakfast first and wait for it to warm up a bit as it was just 15 degrees out but before I could get downstairs to start some coffee, they had already gotten halfway dressed and out the door! Insane! How could you go outside in this temperature with no coat, just your clothes and snow bib and snow boots. Not even hats or gloves?! They came back in a few minutes later and we had breakfast but as soon as they were done, they all got properly dressed and ready to go and they have been out there for over an hour now. They will be back in soon to warm up and switch out their cold wet clothes for dryer-warmed ones I am sure.

Bella runs around like a maniac trying to eat the snow. It iced on top of the 2 inches of snow that we got so there is  a nice crunchy layer on top. Not exactly suitable for snowman building but at least they can sled in it and they even have been body sledding if you can imagine that.

Since Daddy has been home, I get to watch them play from the warmth of the house while he does his Daddy thing and plays out there with them. I LOVE snow.  When I first heard wind of it possibly snowing, a child-like excitement built up inside me. I just can’t help it. The more the better. At one point they were saying we would get close to a foot of snow but I knew that was too good to be true. I knew we would only get a couple of inches and I would be quietly disappointed but happy for what we did get.  I LOVE to watch it fall and I LOVE the blanket of snow that covers everything but being out in it is not for me.

So as they play and freeze their tails off, I will enjoy my coffee and get some computer use in, as I am lucky to get any at all these days. To all who got snow are loving it, enjoy it! To all who have had way more snow than they have ever wanted and are “over it”, spring is just around the corner hopefully 🙂